Self-Publish for Fun and for Profit – Workshops to Get it Right the First Time

Portland Self-Publishing Project

 presents a 

Four-Hour Workshop


Getting it Right the First Time

We will walk you through the entire process of Self-Publishing; from Formatting your Text and Creating your Book Cover to Generating an Income.

At the end of the workshop, you should have your book on sale in thousands of internet retail book sellers.

The session will include pre-printed notes and plenty of time to ask questions and review.

There will be Monthly Follow-up Coaching Sessions at no additional charge for those who complete the course.

Publishing your book as a print-on-demand paperback or as an eBook is easy.

Publishing your book so that you actually make money is another thing entirely… as thousands of authors, have discovered the hard way.


Traditional Publishing Houses manage the editing, printing, and marketing tasks for a select few authors in whom they invest the tens of thousands of dollars and expertise necessary to do it right.  The rest of us file away our manuscripts and keep our day jobs, or we pay to print our own books and sell them door to door or from the trunks of our cars.

A lucky few of that number will catch a break and join the ranks of those proven authors that have gained the confidence of Traditional Publishers.  Of course, the Publisher takes the lion’s share of the profit.  After all; they are the ones who invest their money and do all the heavy lifting to get your work sold.

With the Dawn of the Digital Age, you can do it all yourself.

Of course, that means doing it ALL yourself… from writing and editing, to getting your manuscript into print, to promoting it so it gets noticed by the right readers, and finally getting paid.  There is a substantial learning curve and a daunting set of tasks with numerous wrong turns, dead ends and pitfalls waiting for you.  Getting Started Right and receiving some follow-up Coaching through the tough spots will make all the difference in the world.

Toward that end, The Portland Self-Publishing Project has created a Four-Hour Workshop presented by Self-Publishing Guru, David Allison.  David has been at this for over a decade, and has managed to keep abreast of the constantly changing world of Self Publishing.

This is an absolutely Hands On Workshop! You will perform each piece of the process yourself as David and his team walk you through each step of the way.

By the end of the workshop, your manuscript will be published and on its way to AmazonPowell’sBarnes & Nobel and thousands other online stores.  We offer optional workshops to publish your book on additional platform and to move your book forward with modern marketing techniques.

There is enough time so you will receive the kind of attention required to get this right.  As a premium, we have added complimentary monthly coaching sessions once you complete the course.  There is a huge amount of material to absorb, and you will certainly want to come in for a touch-up once in a while.

We will be available for an additional hour before this workshop to help set up your device and get acquaited over breakfast.

David has agreed to special pricing for this workshop.  His fee to cover this material on a one-on-one basis is normally $1200. The four-hour version, including additional monthly follow-up coaching sessions, is $300.


What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

There is Free Street Parking only.  At 8:00 AM, you should have no trouble finding a spot nearby.

What do I need to bring to the event?

  • A reliable lap-top or comperable device with working Wi-Fi capability.
  • Your completed, edited, ready-to-publish text (PDF, Word, or compatible doccument).

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes.  In fact, you may purchase tickets for groups of 3 or more at a substantial discount.

To Register and Pre-Order Meals, contact the Portland Self-Publishing Project

For Questions, use the form in the column to your right.

Yes, I know it is for weddings.  Just put “Workshop” where it asks for Wedding Date.

Workshop Outline

  • Foundational/Prep Work
  • Mobile Marketing Set-up
  • Promotional HTML setup
  • Payment Gateways – From Them to You
  • Getting It In Print
  • Initial First eBook Transition
  • Moving Within The System
  • The Fermentation Process
  • Social Media



We also offer a set of four workshops (three hours each) which go into more detail regarding marketing and  other publishing options.

4-Workshop Course Outline

Workshop I:

  • Foundational/Prep Work
  • Mobile Marketing Set-up
  • Promotional HTML setup
  • Payment Gateways – From Them to You
  • and more…


Workshop II:

  • Getting It In Print
  • Initial First eBook Transition
  • Moving Within The System
  • The Fermentation Process
  • Social Media
  • and more…


Workshop III:

  • Additional On-line Publishers
  • How & Why
  • Adjusting to On-line Formats
  • Networking Resources Together
  • Marketing HTML Placement
  • Working Your Way Through the Maze
  • Putting It Into Practice
  • and more…


Workshop IV:

  • Marketing Help From Your Various On-line Publishers
  • Marketing Sponsorships
  • How To Trouble Shoot
  • Follow-through on Foundational Prep Work.
  • and more…